City staff announced tonight that there will be second digital cable TV provider in the community very soon. Embarq will be providing competition to Mediacom by the end of the month. It will be available only in neighborhoods that have DSL capability (but you will not have to use DSL to get the TV signal). Details will be announced at the August 3 City Council meeting. The signal will include the Public Access Channel (JCTV) where city council meetings are broadcast live. No information yet on what the service will cost.
Having some competition is good. On a broader level, it is clear that technology in the near future will make the box in your house not just where you watch Desperate Housewives or the Cardinal game. It will be the portal to all information coming in and going out, and the primary way you relate to the rest of the planet. The separate worlds of TV, phones, and computers will all be offered in one system, and I am sure the controls will be too small for me to handle.