Wednesday Jonathan Craighead at JCMG did a nice job repairing my knee.
That experience, plus several days of convalescence, prompts me to add five elements to my list of Fundamental Truths.
1. Excellent health care is something our community should not take for granted.
With JCMG, St. Mary's and Capital Region at our doorsteps we have access to an exceptional array of healthcare. If they can't help you, call me for some estate planning.
2. Nurses and legal assistants (& others like them) make the world work.
Docs are the quarterbacks but nurses hold your hands, find the veins and watch for the nuances. Our staff at CVDL kept me in touch with clients and took care of the paper flow. All reminders about people on whom we rely all the time.
3. Slowing down is ok; exception.
Could not get the mail, cut the lawn or put away the outdoor lawn furniture. They will all wait. Everything moves slower with a cane. You see more that way. (Except BMs. Have to keep them moving after anesthetic and pain meds.)
4. You can do without TV for a week, or for the rest of your life.
Read a great Lee Child novel and watched an entire Wagner opera, a gift from Anne-Marie Sippel, our recent law intern from Germany. Looked through our book and CD collection and decided I could get along just fine without any news channels or current entertainment on the tube for the next ten years or so. Checked Twitter twice a day to make sure the Canadians had not invaded Detroit.
5. People are very kind when you're having a little trouble.
If you let people know what's going on in your life most of them are supportive and patient. American males of German descent might want to open up a little more with friends, families and clients. Our little dog Colby knew I was laid up and stayed close by my side. Humans have the same instincts way down deep.